Promising breast cancer therapy with nanocrystal thermo-sensitive hydrogel system

Promising breast cancer therapy with nanocrystal thermo-sensitive hydrogel system
Promising breast cancer therapy with nanocrystal thermo-sensitive hydrogel system – In the future, a thermosensitive hydrogel in the form of nanoparticles could be the right choice for the treatment of breast cancer.

How is the breast cancer treatment today?

Chemotherapy is the first option at this time which is a systemic treatment to inhibit the growth of primary tumor cells proliferation. This system can only deliver the chemotherapy drugs in a limited number to the tumor target cells, so it must take a high doses in the treatment. Thats why, it often cause complications to other healthy cells.

Recently, local treatment system is being developed.

With the local system where the treatment is done on the tumor target cell directly will result in effective therapy and reduce side effects. hydrogel injection is the right choice because of easy preparation, biocompatible to the body, increasing acceptance in patients with the high dose of the drug but low toxicity compared with the systemic system.

What is a thermosensitive hydrogel?

gel that has a high water content which will be diluted in the body temperature and will in high viscosity at low temperature or below body temperature 37C.

the Journal of Controlled release, 174 (2014) 161-170 with entitled Novel thermo-sensitive hydrogel system with paclitaxel nanocrystals:High drug-loading, sustained drug release and extended local retention guaranteeing better efficacy and lower toxicity .

The combination between nanocrystal system and hydrophobic drugs that are often used for chemotherapy,paclitaxel (Taxol), may form thermosensitive hydrogel. Although still in the preclinical trials, it proved that this system was better than the market (Taxol) because it had the capability of high drug loading, sustained and stable release of drug, prolong drug retention in tumor cells, resulting in better tumor therapy and lower toxicity.